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Exploring Forex Correlations: Which Forex Pairs Move Together?

Which Forex Pairs Move Together?

Which Forex Pairs Move Together?

Discover which forex pairs move together in the dynamic world of currency trading. Uncover the correlations between different currency pairs and gain insights into their synchronized price movements. Understand the interconnections that can help inform your trading strategies and confidently navigate the forex market.


In the fast-paced world of forex trading, understanding the relationship between currency pairs can be the key to success. As seasoned traders will attest, specific pairs move in tandem, while others have opposing movements that can be harnessed for profit. The question of which forex pairs move together has long intrigued traders and is a matter of ongoing analysis and debate. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular forex pairs and investigate their links, offering insights and analysis to help traders build a winning strategy. So, fasten your seatbelts and delve into the fascinating world of forex pair correlations.

Which Forex Pairs Move Together?

1. Understanding Correlations: Which Forex Pairs Move Together?

You are no stranger to “correlation” if you are a forex trader. In forex trading, correlations play a crucial role in determining the behavior and movements of currency pairs. Understanding the correlation between two currency pairs can help you make better trading decisions, mitigate risk, and improve your overall trading strategy. Here are some essential things you need to understand about forex correlations.

The Basics of Correlations

Correlation is a statistical term that measures how strongly two variables are related. In forex trading, correlation measures the relationship between two currency pairs. Correlations can be positive, negative, or zero. A positive correlation means that two currency pairs move in the same direction, while a negative correlation means that two currency pairs move in opposite directions. A zero correlation means that there is no relationship between two currency pairs.

Below are some forex pairs and their correlation coefficients:

As you can see, each currency pair has a correlation coefficient that ranges from -1 to +1. A correlation coefficient +1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, while a correlation coefficient of -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation. The closer the correlation coefficient is to zero, the weaker the correlation between the currency pairs. Understanding these correlations can help you make better trading decisions and reduce the risk of losses.

2. The Forex Market Puzzle: Finding the Linkages Between Currency Pairs

Are you one of those traders who find it challenging to decipher the puzzle of the forex market? Trying to identify the links between currency pairs can be pretty challenging. Understanding the complex interconnections that exist between different currencies is a crucial part of successful forex trading. Here’s what you need to know about finding the linkages between currency pairs in the forex market.

One of the first steps to finding linkages is to study historical data. Look for patterns in how different currency pairs have moved to each other. By understanding the historical data, you can better predict the future behavior of currency pairs. Remember that correlations between currency pairs can change over time due to various political and economic factors. Therefore, it is necessary to continuously monitor the correlations between different currency pairs to find the linkages that exist at the current time. To make this process easier, several online tools can help you track these correlations in real time. For example, the correlation table at lists the correlation coefficient between different currency pairs over different timeframes.

3. Your Guide to Identifying Forex Pair Correlations

Forex trading can be challenging, and while relying solely on technical indicators and price action may be tempting, understanding currency correlations can significantly enhance the accuracy of your trading decisions. By identifying how currency pairs move to each other, you can effectively minimize risk and maximize profits. Here’s your guide to understanding Forex pair correlations:

What are Forex Pair Correlations?

Forex pair correlations refer to the relationship between two currency pairs. Correlations can be positive or negative, ranging from -1 to +1. A positive correlation indicates that two currencies tend to move in the same direction, while a negative correlation means that they move in opposite directions. Identifying correlations between currency pairs can give you an idea of how the market will likely respond to specific events, which can help you make more informed trading decisions.

Types of Forex Pair Correlations

Understanding the different types of correlations can help you identify which currencies tend to move together and which ones tend to move in opposite directions. Here are the three main types of Forex pair correlations:

4. The Art of Complementary Forex Trading: Unraveling the Interconnectedness of Currency Pairs

Forex trading involves buying and selling currencies to make a profit. To succeed in forex trading, it is crucial to understand the interconnectedness of currency pairs. Complementary forex trading revolves around using a currency pair’s strengths and weaknesses to hedge against another currency pair’s strengths and weaknesses. The following paragraphs will explain how to use complementary forex trading to maximize profits.

There are several types of relationships that exist between currency pairs. One such relationship is called the positive correlation relationship. A positive correlation exists when currency pairs move in the same direction. For example, if the EUR/USD increases, it is very likely that the AUD/USD will also increase. Similarly, if the EUR/USD decreases, the AUD/USD will also decrease. Positive correlation currency pairs can be used for complementary forex trading by hedging against the other pair’s weaknesses. However, it is essential to note that relying solely on a positive correlation relationship can lead to losses if the two pairs suddenly move in opposite directions. Therefore, traders should use correlation types and fundamental analysis to make informed decisions when trading currency pairs.

Which Forex Pairs Move Together

Understanding the relationship between Forex pairs is crucial for Forex traders. This article will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about which Forex pairs move together.


1. What are the correlated Forex pairs?

Answer: Correlated Forex pairs are pairs that move in the same direction. They are affected by the same economic events and news releases.

2. Why is it important to know which Forex pairs move together?

Answer: Knowing which Forex pairs move together is essential because it helps traders diversify their portfolios and manage their risk. By trading correlated pairs, traders can reduce their exposure to one specific currency.

3. Can traders use correlated Forex pairs for hedging?

Answer: Yes, traders can use correlated Forex pairs for hedging. It means that if a trader is long on one currency pair, they can go short on the other correlated currency pair, which helps to reduce their risk.

4. How do traders identify the correlation between Forex pairs?

Answer: Traders can identify the correlation between Forex pairs using a correlation matrix available on most trading platforms. The correlation matrix shows how strong the correlation between two Forex pairs is. Traders can also use technical analysis to identify the correlation between Forex pairs by looking at the price charts.

By understanding which Forex pairs move together, traders can make informed decisions and manage risk effectively.


The forex market is a complex and dynamic marketplace where currencies constantly shift in value against one another. When we examine which forex pairs move together, we find that several key factors influence their correlation. From economic factors such as interest rates and inflation to political developments and market sentiment, countless variables can impact the movements of these pairs. Understanding the relationships between forex pairs can be critical as traders seek to navigate these waters and create successful strategies. By carefully analyzing market data and staying up-to-date with global events, traders can identify the patterns and correlations that will help them make informed and strategic decisions. With careful planning and a deep understanding of the market, traders can unlock success and achieve their goals in the world of forex trading.

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